Hilton Tech EXPO showcases new media

The Hilton Board of Education participated in the third annual Tech EXPO, coordinated by the Hilton Learning Through Technology teachers Tuesday, April 26, during the regular Hilton Board of Education meeting.

"The students at Village Elementary demonstrated the use of technology and new media in the classroom for the board of education," said Patricia Sullivan, Learning Through Technology teacher. "Participants were able to visit computer labs, library area and various classrooms to see students in action."

Among the technology integration exhibits were; video conferencing between the Hilton and Bergen Central Schools' classroom; a biology study blog featuring a bird of prey; interactive, electronic whiteboards; hand-held computers for collecting data; music composition software; digital movie-making; map-making for social studies; presentation, literacy and reading software; and schoolwide blogging.

For information about Hilton Learning Through Technology: http://www.hilton.k12.ny.us/instec.htm.