Springdale Farm celebrates dairy day

June is Dairy Month in New York state and to celebrate, Springdale Farm will host Dairy Day on Saturday, June 11 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 696 Colby Street in Ogden. The day includes tours of the Reidman Robotic Milking Center, Cows on Parade exhibit in the new Visitor Education Center, Dairy Princesses, milk mustaches, a cow milking contest, dairy-themed games in addition to butter and ice cream making demonstrations. Also offered will be temporary tattoos, plant sales, carriage rides, petting zoo and concessions. Free milk and yogurt samples are available courtesy of Upstate Farms, and cheese samples are provided by Yancey's Fancy.

The cost is $3 for adults, ages 12-62; $2 for youth ages three to 11 and seniors age 63+; children ages two and under are free. Family package pricing is $8 for a family of four with each additional member costing $1 more.

For information, call 352-5320 or visit www.springdalefarm.org.