Members of the Planning Committee for the Victorian Garden Party are: (l to r) top, Rudy Aceto, Rosie Rich, Pete Randazzo, Kathy Goetz; bottom, Deanna Shifton, Eunice Chesnut, Mary Duryea. Submitted photo.

Historical Society plans Victorian Garden Party

A Victorian Garden Party is planned for Sunday, August 7 at the Morgan-Manning House, 151 Main Street in Brockport. Running from 3 to 6 p.m., it will be a premier event sponsored by the Western Monroe Historical Society.

With tents, tables and lanterns covering the mansion's lawn, the event will attempt to recreate the elegant social life of the Victorian era in America. Punch, hors d´oeuvres and desserts will be prepared by the society's volunteers from authentic Victorian era recipes. Wine tasting will be provided by two regional wineries. Singing and instrumental music will be provided. Ladies are encouraged to wear their hats and elegant finery and gentlemen their Sunday best attire.

Community members 21 years old or older are invited to attend. Tickets will go on sale July 1: $18 for members; $20 for non-members; $25 at the gate. For information call 637-3645.