Brockport's ZBA appointments spark discussion

Two Village of Brockport officials took exception to the recent appointment of one of the Zoning Board of Appeals members.

At the July 18 regular board meeting, Mayor Mort Wexler called for motions on the appointments for renewals and new members to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Trustees Carrie Maziarz and David Wagenhauser opposed the renewal of John Bush's appointment to 2010 and also opposed the appointment of Francisco Borrayo.

"I'm opposed to the appointments, not because I have anything against the gentlemen themselves, but because we will now have a quorum of landlords on the board," Maziarz said.

Wagenhauser said the Zoning Board of Appeals board needed a "better mix" of landlords and non-landlords.

Resident John Brugger also expressed concern that the make up of the Zoning Board of Appeals had been turned over to the landlords.

"How can you (pass) judgment on someone who hasn't served a day on a board?" Wexler asked. "Don't pass judgment until they've served their term."

Wexler broke the tie on the appointments for Bush and Borrayo. James Hamlin was also appointed and will serve until 2007 and Dr. John Keiser was appointed with a term that expires in 2008.

Also discussed was the hiring of a part time clerk to assist Code Enforcement Officer Scott Zarnstorff. The position was approved for 20 hours per week at a salary of $8.50 per hour.

"How many certificates of occupancy were issued last month?" Wagenhauser wanted to know. "How many more will you issue if you have this new person in your office?"

Zarnstorff didn't have figures available at the meeting but said with the hiring of a clerk he would be able to devote more time to field visits.

"Right now, I spend 60 to 70 percent of my time in the office doing clerical duties," Zarnstorff said.

"I'd like to see a list of goals and expectations now that we've decided to hire someone," Wagenhauser said.