Coast Guard Auxiliary collecting for the troops

Local U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 4-8 is collecting items to be sent to the men and women serving in Iraq from Western Monroe and Orleans counties. They are collecting CDs, paperbacks, non-perishable snacks, powdered juice products, decks of card, pens and paper, sunglasses, toothbrushes, combs, baseball caps, XL t-shirts, sunscreen, white tube socks, feminine products, etc.

Coast Guard members will pack the boxes and send them over to the soldiers.

"We want to let them know that we are proud of them and that we hope that they all will have a safe return to us soon," said Lee Kinnard, public affairs officer for the Flotilla.

Donations can be dropped off at Furnal's Big M, Carmestro's Restaurant in Hilton or call 964-2551 and 392-1796 for information.