Record high gas prices not likely to curtail Labor Day travel

Despite record gas prices averaging $2.60 per gallon nationwide, AAA expects no let up in travel for the Labor Day holiday weekend. AAA estimates that 34.5 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home this holiday, a 0.9 percent increase from the 34.2 million who traveled last year.

Approximately 28.8 million travelers (83 percent of all holiday travelers) expect to go by motor vehicle. Another 4.0 million (12 percent of holiday travelers) plan to travel by airplane. A projected 1.7 million vacationers (5 percent) will go by train, bus or other mode of transportation, up from about 1.6 million a year ago.

Holiday auto travelers will find gas prices nationwide currently averaging $2.60 for a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline - up 31 cents from a month ago and about 72 cents higher than a year ago. Travelers in New York state can expect to pay $2.67 per gallon and the average price of gasoline in the Rochester area is $2.62 per gallon.

AAA's gas saving tips for vacation travelers include:

Drive the most fuel efficient vehicle for the trip;

Keep the car well-maintained by keeping tires properly inflated and having a professional technician inspect it before you go;

Take the most direct route;

Shop around for the least expensive gas by watching prices before filling up. Consumers can visit and click on the Fuel Price Finder to locate cheap gas no matter where they are driving in the United States;

Use a credit card that pays a rebate on gas purchases;

Drive gently. Excessive braking and accelerating reduces fuel economy, as does driving faster than highway speed limits.

Towns/rural areas top the list of preferred destinations this holiday with 23 percent of travel volume. Oceans/beach remains strong for summer's last hurrah, with 21 percent. Cities ranked next, with 18 percent, followed by mountain areas, 11 percent; lake areas, 9 percent; state/national parks, 8 percent; and theme/amusement parks, 4 percent. Another 4 percent responded with other, and 2 percent said they didn't know.