Hilton-Parma seniors plan Syracuse trip

The Hilton-Parma Seniors have scheduled a trip to Syracuse on Wednesday, October 19.

The luncheon show at the Holiday Inn will present "George Burns & Friends." The show features a magician/comedian, a George Burns impersonator and a ventriloquist.

The bus leaves the Village Community Center at 9 a.m. After the show there will be a stop at Syracuse China. Arrive back to Hilton at approximately 7:30 p.m. The cost is $45.

Because the Town of Parma subsidizes this trip, it is open to Parma residents ages 55 and up first. Should vacancies occur during the two weeks prior to the trip, out of town residents will be accommodated. The cost would be $72.

Contact Hilton-Parma Recreation at 392-9030 for information.