Long time Murray supervisor runs unopposed

Henry "Hank" Lehning will be seeking election to the Murray town board on which he has served since 1990. He has been supervisor in the Town of Murray for the last eight years.

"I really enjoy being with and working for the people," he said.

Being supervisor is a hard job, he said.

"Even though it's billed as a part-time position, the job really needs someone who has the flexibility to devote as much time as necessary to it," he said. "I have that time to get done what needs to be done."

Lehning is no stranger to working and dealing with the public as he is a 36-year Rotarian, has served with volunteer organizations for many years and worked in a bank prior to his retirement.

"Water is a constant issue in the town. We're always trying to form more water districts and get people access to public water," he said. "There are pockets of people who come to us requesting water and we are always putting together applications for the funding for the creation of new water districts."

Eventually the town must address its need for a new town hall, he said.

"We're still looking to see if the old high school in Holley is a viable option," he said. "We've studied the need and know we need more space and handicapped accessibility." The town has put the proposal for construction of a new town hall before the residents several times and it has been voted down.

Lehning and his wife, Barb, have four grown children.

"I've done a good job since I've been on the board. I've always put the concerns of the people first," he said. "I look at the job as a challenge and I truly enjoy it. I'm an honest, straightforward supervisor who listens to the concerns of the residents."

The supervisor position brings with it an annual salary of $7,750 for a two year term.

October 9, 2005