Walk, Bike Brockport Action Group
announces safety poster contest winners

Mayor Mort Wexler and local artist Helen Smagorinsky selected winners from the 140 entries in the Walk, Bike Brockport Action Group's second annual pedestrian and bicycle safety poster contest. Students in grades one, two, four and five in the Brockport Central School participated.
Winners were chosen, based on their poster's effectiveness in portraying a walking or biking safety rule. Teachers discussed safety rules in their classes, and then students depicted these rules on their posters. Winning posters will be displayed for two weeks in the Brockport Village Building. Then they will move to the Sweden Town Hall for two weeks.

First prize winners received $20 gift certificates to the Lift Bridge Book Store. Second prize winners received $10 gift certificates, and third prize winners received $5 gift certificates. All contest participants were awarded junior police officer badges, compliments of Police Chief Dan Varrenti.

Winners were: First grade - Michelle Nesbitt, first place; Shauna Zurowski, second place; Ethan Curry, third place. Second grade - Brianna Sadewasser, first place; Melodia Sanchez, second place; Ben Monacelli, third place. Fourth grade - Stephen Monfort, first place; Alexandra Noll, second place; Ariana Bateman, third place. Fifth grade - Douglas Liebe, first place; Madison Brindle, second place; and Grace Gaskill, third place.

November 13, 2005