Hilton Historic Barn Project Photographers, from left, are Bill Bernbeck, Maureen Spindler, Walt Horylev and Chuck Nichols. The project members meet at the Hilton Community Center and are sponsored by the Hilton Apple Fest Committee.

Hilton photographers to document historic barns

"Our goal is to photograph a part of our history while we still have it," said Hilton Apple Fest Chair Joe Lee, a member of the Hilton Historic Barn Project. Begun this fall, the Hilton Historic Barn Project is composed of photographers, writers and historians who have identified about 200 barns in the Hilton area, all in the town of Parma. "Our goal to capture images of historic barns so that we can preserve the history and beauty of our agricultural heritage," he said.

Among the goals of the project is to develop a display of barn photographs for the 2006 Apple Fest which will feature a selection of the photographs taken throughout the year. A team of volunteer photographers and writers will be working to capture the image and history of the barns. Photographers include Bill Bernbeck, Maureen Spindler, Walt Horylev and Chuck Nichols with help from other area photographers. Bernbeck is an award-winning photographer who was involved in the Kodak Camera Club including the chairman of the photojournalism section; Spindler is the owner of The Village Photographer in Hilton; Horylev has a 40-year involvement in photography including as a judge of competitions and is currently photojournalist for Westside News; Nichols is a serious amateur photographer who has worked in many countries abroad. His family has a 200-year history in the Hilton area.

Photographers have begun to contact barns owners for permission to photograph. Open meetings are held, as needed, in the Hilton Community Center. For information, call Lee at 234-3378 or Co-Chair Barbara Carder at 392-1000 extension 7045.

November 13, 2005