Christmas Around
the World Celebration

Kindergarteners in Jaime Perticone's class at Brockport's Ginther Elementary School learned how Christmas is celebrated around the world by participating in some fun, hands-on activities. Six stations each held a different activity. In Mexico, students tried their luck at cracking open a piñata and at the "pin the petal on the poinsettia" game. At the Germany station, students made Christmas tree cookies. While in Italy students made pizza bagels; and in the United States, students sang carols, made reindeer food, and played a vocabulary memory game. At the Hanukkah station, students played the dreidel game and sang the dreidel song. At the Kwanzaa station, students made beaded necklaces. Above Aaron Ennis and Megan Fribance make necklaces at the Kwanzaa station. Below, Billy Dunbar (left) and Jacob Turrie make Christmas tree cookies at the Germany station during the Christmas Around the World celebration. Submitted photos.

January 1, 2006