Programs at the Chili Senior Center

The Chili Senior Center announced the following programs:

Defensive driving - AARP driving course will be offered at the Center on April 18 and 21 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. You must attend both sessions. Cost is $10 per person and you must register in advance.

Food cupboard - Bring donations of non-perishable foods and canned goods to the center for the SWEM Food cupboard.

Weight Watchers - A 16-week session will start on January 26 and run until May. Classes meet on Thursdays from 9 to 10 a.m. Cost is $169 per person. 15 people required for a session. Call 889-6185 for information and to register.

Donation of three and four ply yarn is needed for projects.

Sweetheart luncheon - A holiday luncheon catered by Hawthorne's Restaurant with music of Denny and her Escorts. Cost $12 per person.

Mardi Gras brunch - Celebrate Fat Tuesday, February 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $4 per person and reservations must be made in advance. Entertainment by Wind and Rhythm.

Call the Center at 889-6185 for information.

January 29, 2006