Shown (l to r) are: Ginny Iaboni, Fresh Air Fund field manager; Karen Woodward, Northwest New York Fund representative; Kim Ziegler, Brockport, NY co-chairperson, and Paul Ziegler, Brockport, NY chairperson. Submitted photo.

Northwest New York volunteers attend Fresh Air Fund conference

Over 200 local Fresh Air Fund volunteers, including Karen Woodward, Northwest New York Fund Representative; Kim Ziegler, Brockport, NY Co-Chairperson, and Paul Ziegler, Brockport, NY Chairperson, gathered in New York City for The Fund's annual Friendly Town Conference.

Each summer, close to 5,000 children, ages six to 18, enjoy free two-week vacations with volunteer host families in suburban and small-town communities. Local Fresh Air Fund volunteers recruit and interview host families, check references and coordinate Friendly Town program activities across 13 northeastern states from Main to Virginia and in Ontario, Canada.

February 26, 2006