Children donate to Hilton Food Pantry

At a recent Sunday service at Hilton United Methodist Church during Children's Moments, Judy Bermudez taught the children the message from the gospel in the 25th chapter of Matthew: "Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink..." As the children named foods they enjoyed when hungry, Bermudez offered to share some snacks she had brought along. Unfortunately, she hadn't brought enough and wondered what might be done about that. As the children reached the desired conclusion that the snacks could be shared, Bermudez talked about the children in their own community who do not always have enough food to eat. She then passed out grocery bags with lists attached of things that would be useful in the Hilton Food Pantry. Each child was encouraged to take a bag and bring it the following Sunday with items for the Food Shelf. The lesson provided to be a great success, as evidenced by the bags filled and awaiting delivery to the food shelf. Submitted photo.

March 12, 2006