Residents have a choice of candidates in Hilton election

The retirement of Hilton Mayor Bill Carter, following eight years of service, requires residents to take a look at two familiar candidates for mayor and to pick the best two out of three candidates for village trustee.

The mayoral choices are:

Jim Gates
Running for: Mayor
Age: 53 years old
Occupation: Maintenance coordinator for the Hilton Central School District
Family: Wife, Jane, and three children, Jeff, Jenny and Julie
Years in Hilton: Lifetime

If given the chance, Gates would like to keep some of the positive momentum he has helped create as a third term village trustee moving forward as mayor. Gates has been able to see the village from several different angles as a school district employee, the former fire chief, lifetime resident and a village official.

From everywhere he looks, Gates likes what he sees. "I like the hometown feel. People tell you when they think you are doing a good job, and they tell you when they don't think you are," Gates said.

Gates hopes to do a good job in focusing on further developing the Hojack Road property and the land where the Craft Antique Co-Op once stood. Gates said he would like to continue to look at ways to work with the village employees to enhance services for residents without increasing costs. He also wants to provide a good working environment for village employees. He said moving to a cafeteria-style health plan was one way the current administration was able to provide for its employees while carefully considering the impact on taxpayers.

"We have excellent employees," Gates said. "We have to be fair to them and we have to be fair to the taxpayers."

Larry Gursslin
Running for: Mayor
Age: 57 years old
Occupation: Owner of Monroe Home Inspection, consultant for Beehler Construction
Family: Wife, Carol, and two children, Justin and Katie
Years in Hilton: 47 years

For Gursslin, the reason he would like to be mayor is simple - he enjoyed it the last time. "I enjoy the challenge of working with constituents and village employees, and I'd like the opportunity to do it again," said Gursslin, who served as the village's mayor from 1982 to 1998. Gursslin serves as a zoning board member and as editor of the village newsletter.

Gursslin said his primary focus would be public safety and on planning. He would like to see the village and the town partner in both areas. Gursslin said, in the interest of public safety, he would like to coordinate a mock disaster drill involving village and town officials. He would also like to have state officials review sidewalk crossings to ensure pedestrian safety.

In the area of planning, Gursslin said he would execute Mayor Bill Carter's vision, and would like to have the village work with the town's planning board to create a strategy to address future development that has mutual impact. Gursslin said the variety of people is what makes the village so special to him. "I just thrive on talking and meeting with people," Gursslin said. He added that now, more than in the recent past, keeping taxes as low as possible is important to village residents.

Those running for trustee are:

Larry Speer
Running for: Trustee
Age: 50 years old
Occupation: Development technician at Eastman Kodak
Family: Wife, Barb, and two daughters, Sarah and Kelly Jo
Years in Hilton: 30 years

Speer is hoping people will fly in from all parts of the village to vote for him. After all, Speer was the impetus behind the village's Fly In - Drive In Breakfast, which in its eighth year, has raised about $35,000 for charity.

Speer serves as a trustee in the Hilton Fire Department and was narrowly defeated in an attempt to become a school board member. He said he would like to help impact the development of the village he has already been so involved with. "I think the main thing is to maintain its heritage while at the same time experience some modest financial growth in the right direction," Speer said.

Speer said strengths of the village are its volunteer base, as witnessed through the fire department and its hometown environment. "It still has a family feel," Speer said.

Joe Lee
Running for: Trustee
Age: 54 years old
Occupation: Works in the chemical division at Eastman Kodak Company
Family: Wife, Debrah, and two children, Michael and Raquel
Year in Hilton: 39 years

In 2004, Lee finished out Fran Blonsky's term as village trustee. That was enough time to get him really excited about the idea of having a term all to himself.

As trustee, Lee has worked on the village's economic development committee, enhancement committee and works with the zoning board. He wants to take everything he has learned in the last two years and use it to move the village forward.

Lee sees economic development as the major focus for Hilton. He would like to continue to develop programs that will entice businesses and build on new initiatives like village gas and electric, which are attractive to potential businesses.

Lee, who is the ultimate volunteer, finds the village's volunteer base to be its greatest asset. "An incredible amount of volunteers make this village so special," Lee said. He serves as chair of the Apple Fest Committee, past president of the Lions Club, a fourth degree Knight in the Knights of Columbus, and a member of the Village Flag Committee.

Chad Kyler
Running for: Trustee
Age: 30 years old
Occupation: Employment specialist at Catholic Families Center
Family: Son, Sergio
Years in Hilton: One year

Growing up in North Greece, Kyler feels like he has been on the outside looking in. Now that he is a village resident, Kyler is looking forward to a chance to serve a village he has long admired.

"I love Hilton," Kyler said. "You just can't beat the feel of a small village."

Kyler said he is interested in furthering the village's economic development, increasing residents' involvement in the village and better marketing village initiatives. Kyler said he has attended several village meetings and is impressed with the work of the current administration, especially projects like the new Jennejahn Lodge.

He said he would like to focus on bringing new businesses to the village and exploring why neighboring communities, with higher tax rates, are able to attract more business. Kyler is particularly interested in the Canning Street property where the Co-Op was once located. He has been exploring options like the creation of an Empire Zone to further develop that area.

March 12, 2006