Homes sought for Fresh Air visitors

This summer, thousands of inner-city boys and girls will escape the streets of New York City to enjoy the pleasures of summertime fun in the country through Fresh Air Fund vacations. In honor of The Fresh Air Fund's 129-year-old tradition of serving children, March 20 has been declared Fresh Air Fund Day throughout the state of New York.

Families who participate in The Fresh Air Fund's Friendly Town program open their hearts and homes to New York City children for two weeks or more in the summer. "By sharing their homes with New York City children, our host families tell us that they gain a new appreciation for their own communities and form relationships that last a lifetime," says Jenny Morgenthau, executive director of The Fresh Air Fund. "This year, we are looking for new host families in and around the Monroe county area including LeRoy, Batavia, Brockport and Hilton to celebrate our 130th Anniversary of giving youngsters a summertime break from the sometimes dangerous city streets."

First-time Fresh Air visitors are six to 12 years old. Reinvited youngsters can participate in the Friendly Town program through age 18. Volunteers simply want to share what they have with city children and introduce them to the joys of suburban or country life. Families have found hosting a rewarding experience. Fresh Air children are invited to visit host families year after year. "Fresh Air hosts range from young families to grandparents," explains Karen Woodward, Fresh Air Fund chairperson. "There is no age-limit. All it takes is the willingness to open your heart and home to a New York City child."

For information about becoming a Fresh Air volunteer, call Karen Woodward at 349-8334, web site or call 1-800-367-0003.

March 19, 2006