Hilton tax rate remains unchanged

Taxpayers in the Village of Hilton will not see any change in their tax rate for 2006-07.

The village's total budget is $4.1 million and carries with it a zero percent tax increase. "Our overall spending for the upcoming budget only changed by $3,600," Village Clerk Janet Surridge said.

Surridge said the village is able to hold the line on taxes while still keeping the services that residents have come to expect by being fiscally responsible. "We have certain spending limits for our departments and the department heads stick to them," she said. "In the DPW, for example, we know we have to replace vehicles on a schedule so we plan for those replacements in every budget year so we have the money available when we need to make a purchase."

The village also added to its tax base this year to the tune of $1.3 million, mainly in new construction in the Unionville subdivision.

"We also have the benefit of having our own gas utility and that adds to the revenues," Surridge said, adding that fees received from rental of the Jennejohn Lodge add to the village coffers.

The budget was adopted unanimously on April 15.

April 30, 2006