Bronze Award recipients

The girls from Junior Troop #461 in Spencerport completed their Bronze Award project in March and just bridged to Cadette Girl Scouts. The Bronze Award is the highest achievement a Junior Girl Scout can earn. These 11 and 12-year-old girls' project was to collect new and used infant items in the community and prepare welcome bags for new mothers in need. They coordinated their efforts throughout their schools, churches and some workplaces for their collection. They also solicited local businesses for their help. They decorated bags that were filled with the collected items and made blankets to go with the bags. After the completion of 35 bags, the girls and their leaders delivered them to Mercy Residential Services representatives. Pictured are: Shawna Lanphere, Laura Grant, Camaria Long, Mabel Hope, Dominique Castano, Ashley Watson and Molly McGrath.

May 7, 2006