Brockport students help children in Africa

Eighth graders at the A.D. Oliver Middle School designated the week of May 8 as "Spring Into Action" week. Students have set out to raise $3,000 to be sent to the Children's Hunger Relief Fund.

Kayla Congdon, Allison Paap, Sarah Kettles, Nicole Panneitz and Elizabeth Hess have done extensive research on the conditions in Africa. "The $3,000 will buy a well for a village giving them fresh water for 20-25 years," Congdon said. "Many children get sick and die because of polluted water."

Students are hanging posters around the school and asking businesses to help by donating food or prizes that can be given to the teams who donate the most money. They will also collect spare change during lunch and make daily announcements about how money can help the children of Africa.

Donations to the Children's Hunger Relief Fund will be accepted at the A. D. Oliver Middle School Main Office, 40 Allen Street, checks payable to OMS Extra Class, by May 12.

May 7, 2006