Maziarz bill gives work leave to military spouses

Senator George Maziarz, chairman of the Senate Labor Committee, reported that the State Senate unanimously passed legislation (S.7175-B) he sponsored that would grant up to ten days of unpaid work leave to spouses of members of our armed forces.

"We shouldn't have a situation where a soldier fighting overseas returns home for a brief but precious visit with his or her family only to find that their spouse can't get the time off work," Senator Maziarz said. "In a marriage two lives really become one, and our laws should be geared toward strengthening the family bond whenever possible, particularly during these cherished interludes from war."

The measure applies to a spouse of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, the National Guard, or the Reserves who has been deployed during a period of military conflict. The unpaid leave can only be used to coincide with the leave of spouse who is serving in the military.

Employers affected by the legislation would only include those who employ 20 or more persons at a single location.

The bill was sent to the Assembly.

June 25, 2006