Brockport Rotary names citizen of the year

Jack Mazzarella was chosen for special honors by the Brockport Rotary Club. Above, (l-r) are Nominator/sponsor George Dahl, Christine Mazzarella, Honoree Jack Mazzarella and Club President Rob Blair with the plaque presented to Mazzarella, who was thanked "for helping to make Brockport a better place in which to live." Dahl, in speaking of the reasons why Mazzarella deserved this award, cited many contributions to the community by the honoree. Mazzarella, a retired Brockport Central School District math teacher, gives freely of his time to many different groups and individuals. That effort includes being a volunteer for Lakeside Hospital (over 3000 hours and counting), serving as longtime chaplain to Brockport Exempts, refurbishes bicycles for children and adults; visitors needing a way to get around the village will use some of his bikes located at the Welcome Center. Mazzarella also serves as a Boy Scout Eagle Project advisor and is active in the Toys for Tots program. He also is the creator of the airport on Colby Road and a long-time Elks Lodge member. Submitted photo.

July 2, 2006