Defensive Driving Course
offered to those 50 years and older

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and St. Leo Catholic Church, Hilton, are sponsoring a defensive driving program for anyone age 50 or more. The 55 Alive/Mature Driving program will be conducted at St. Leo's Parish Center on Saturday, July 29 and Saturday, August 5 from 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

The program consists of two four (4) hour sessions but does not require any driving or testing. All participants receive a 3-year certificate which entitles everyone to at least a 10 percent discount on liability and collision portions of auto insurance premiums. Also up to four (4) points will be automatically removed from each driving record for any infractions of the past 18 months. The fee is $10 per person.

To register, send a check or money order payable to A.A.R.P. to St. Leo Church, 167 Lake Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468. Class size is limited.

July 23, 2006