Bergen seeking input on future of transfer station

Public hearing August 15

A public informational hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, August 15 at 7 p.m. at the Bergen Fire Hall to determine the future of the town transfer station.

The town board is investigating the feasibility of closing the town transfer station in favor of residents taking their garbage directly to the Riga landfill and would like to get input from town residents.

Bag costs would not change and bags would be obtained at the town clerk's office. Current rates for construction and demolition (C&D) materials could be substantially reduced. New rates for C&D materials are expected to be $12.50 for a 500-pound minimum. Recyclable disposal would still be free to the user. The town does not charge to collect recyclables, but has to pay to have them transported to a recycling facility. Three part-time positions would be eliminated, saving more than $14,000 annually. The present transfer station facilities could be partially converted to sports fields and parking for sporting events, according to town officials.

The distance traveled by users would change with some people traveling farther and some going a lesser distance. Hours at the Mill Seat Landfill are 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. To extend Mill Seat hours to the present 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. would cost an additional $4,160 annually. The cost estimates available reflect current conditions and are not an indicator for future costs. Town officials say that once closed, it may be difficult and costly to re-open the present transfer station if a future board opts to do so.

Those unable to attend can submit written comments to the town clerk before August 19.

Submitted material

August 6, 2006