Hamlin Public Library accepts bequest

As a teacher, Margaret McGrath understood the value of education and when she passed away, she expressed both her love of education and of her hometown by naming the Hamlin Public Library as a beneficiary in her will.

On Wednesday, October 4 at 10 a.m., the library board of trustees will accept McGrath's bequest. The public is welcome to attend.

"We're certainly thrilled about her generous donation," said acting library director Adrienne Lattin. "Ms. McGrath stipulated that these funds could only be used for expenses relating to the library. The library trustees have spent much time in research to understand their responsibilities in administering the bequest."

Although the library doubled its size two years ago. its current square footage of approximately 3,000 square feet is still about a third of the ideal square footage for the size of the population it serves.

"The board of trustees has been reviewing the options for a new facility," said Lattin.

October 1, 2006