Assistance with trail development available to communities

Parks & Trails New York, a statewide parks and trails advocacy organization, is offering trail development assistance to communities in 2007 through its Healthy Trails, Healthy People program. Healthy Trails, Healthy People is a statewide effort to improve the health of all citizens in communities across the state become more physically active through the development of local multi-use trails.

Through its Healthy Trails, Healthy People program, funded in part by the Healthy Heart Program of the New York State Department of Health, Parks & Trails New York helps communities form trails advocacy groups, launch new trail projects, or get a stalled project moving. Parks & Trails New York staff provide technical and planning assistance, present workshops and offer organizational support. Workshops highlight the multiple benefits of trails as well as provide an opportunity for residents to explore trail development opportunities within their own communities.

"Easily accessible, close to home, multi-use trails are a proven and significant way in which communities can provide no or low cost opportunities for almost everyone to increase their level of daily activity and become more involved in their community. Our goal is to work with communities to build the vision, constituencies and local support that are so critical to the long-term success of trail projects," Parks & Trails New York Executive Director Robin Dropkin said.

To apply, visit the Parks & Trails New York website at or contact Parks & Trails New York at 518-434-1583 or or obtain an application. Applications are being accepted until November 17. Level of community interest, partnership possibilities and opportunities to increase physical activity levels will be considered in selection. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Parks & Trails New York to discuss their project before the submission deadline.

Other trails resources available
As part of the Healthy Trails, Healthy People program, Parks & Trails New York has developed additional resources for trail enthusiasts: a free, bi-monthly electronic newsletter, Parks & Trails E-NEWS, and a free, 40-page trails how-to guide called "Getting Started: A Guide to Planning Trails in New York State." Both are available on the Parks & Trails New York website

October 15, 2006