Village of Brockport's website revised

Visitors to the Village of Brockport's website will be greeted to a new online experience.

The village updated its popular official government website. Creating a citizen-friendly web portal was the main goal of the update, which is evident in the streamlined site design. The village's webmaster, Waylen Bray of the ScenicView Web Company in Hilton, administered the revision.

New features have been added, including a service request form, an economic development interest form and a searchable minute archive from the Village Advisory Committee meetings. Forthcoming additions to the site include a listing of available commercial properties in the village and a FAQ page for departmental inquiries. There were 20,000 visitors to the site in September.

"More and more people are using the site for its intended purpose, a one-stop online communication center of information on the village government," said Village Manager Ian M. Coyle. Visit

October 22, 2006