UMMC receives business award recognition

College Tech Prep, part of Genesee Community College's Accelerated College Enrollment program (ACE) successfully nominated United Memorial Medical Center for a "Business of the Year" award. At last weekend's annual Tech Prep State Conference, UMMC's coordinators of the Genesee's Health Careers Academy were recognized as one of the top tech prep business partners in the state.

The UMMC is a 131-licensed bed, acute care facility offering a range of inpatient and outpatient care to Genesee county residents. It welcomes Tech Prep Health Careers Academy (HCA) students with shadow and internship experiences. The HCA students have observed staff in the operating room, maternity/nursery, emergency room, radiology, laboratory, ambulatory surgery, pediatrics, respiratory, occupational and physical therapy and medical-surgical floors, as well as family care center clinics and the inpatient alcohol and drug rehabilitation unit.

The Health Careers Academy, a program offered jointly through Genesee Region College Tech Prep, Genesee Community College and Genesee Valley BOCES, accepts only outstanding students. To qualify, students must have an 80 or higher average and submit two letters of recommendation. More than 20 schools in the GLOW (Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, Wyoming) Region and numerous businesses are involved in College Tech Prep.

November 5, 2006