Post 468 Swingers celebrate 25th

Assemblyman Bill Reilich, Greece American Legion President Don Christensen, celebration organizer Chet Palinski and Senator Joe Robach (l to r) joined others in marking the 25th anniversary of Post 468's Swingers group at a supper November 9. The Swingers organization was started in 1981 by Roy Peck and Roy Hodgson. At that time, Peck was working for the Town of Greece, and the town had monthly meetings of various senior organizations in the town. The Swingers groups formed for American Legion representation on these meetings and for the benefits that the town gave to senior organizations at that time. Dues were only $1 per person per year and the total number of members in the early years was less than 50. Today, the Swingers have a membership of three times that amount and dues have gone up to $2 per person per year.

November 19, 2006