Brockport museum dedicates interpretive sign

The Brockport Community Museum will dedicate its first interpretative sign on Friday, December 15 at 1 p.m. in front of the A.D. Oliver Middle School in Brockport. An historical synopsis of the Brockport Central School District (BCSD) is the subject of the two-by-three foot full color, illustrated sign which is mounted on a metal pedestal. William G. Andrews, president of the Museum, will introduce the program and guests; Allan Berry, chair of the Museum's Interpretive Sign Committee, will present the sign to James Fallon, BCSD superintendent, and Brockport Historian Jacqueline Morris will also speak. The public is welcome to attend.

The museum, founded in 2002, is a not-for-profit corporation with a provisional charter from the NYS Education Department. The Museum's board of directors adopted a "Museum without Walls" concept that included the placement of interpretive signs in areas of the village, public programs held periodically in various public venues and a web presence dedicated to the expansion of the museum's goals and programs.

The BCSD is sponsoring the first sign. Other topics in development include: higher education, firefighting and downtown churches.

December 10, 2006