Holley Rod and Gun Club offers cure for cabin fever

Deer season is over, the holidays are done, and cabin fever is about to set in. The Holley Rod and Gun Club has a cure for cabin fever. Open trapshooting will be offered Thursday nights from 5 to 8:30 p.m. and newcomers are invited to stop in. Two fields boast new lights that make the target visibility excellent. A 50 target in-house league will begin on January 18 and run for six weeks. Those who do not wish to join the league are welcome to stop in any Thursday night and shoot just to cure their cabin fever.

The Holley Rod and Gun Club is located on the Pumping Station Road just off the South Holley Road. For information contact any member of call George Morey, 659-2523, or e-mail Holleygunclub@frontiernet.net.

January 7, 2007