Ogden Parks programs levy non-resident fee

The Ogden Parks and Recreation program will charge an additional $5 fee (on top of original program fee) to non-residents participating in recreation programs. This non-resident fee excludes the following programs: Child Care, Pre-School and Summer Day Camp (K-3 & 4-6th).
A non-resident is anyone who does not reside within the Town of Ogden or Village of Spencerport. A person who attends Spencerport Schools but does not pay town or village taxes is considered a non-resident. This person may pay Spencerport School taxes but pays their town taxes elsewhere.

The residents of Ogden and Spencerport make considerable contributions toward the Ogden Parks and Recreation Department through their taxes. These taxes are collected whether or not they choose to participate in programs and events, or use parks and facilities. "It is not our intention to deter non-residents from participating in our programs," Peter O'Brien, director of Parks and Recreation wrote in a press release. "We pride ourselves on offering all of our programs to those in our town, village and surrouding areas."

Contact him at 352-2124 or recdirector@ogdenny.com for information.

January 7, 2007