Kendall-Hamlin U19 Babe Ruth Baseball try-outs Feb. 12

Try-outs have been set for U19 Baseball team sponsored jointly by the Hamlin and Kendall Recreation Departments. Try-outs are Monday, February 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Kendall Elementary School Gym, 1932 Kendall Road. Additional dates may be scheduled if needed.

Application forms are available at the Hamlin Recreation office located in the Hamlin Town Hall, by calling 964-7222 or through Kendall Recreation at 659-9184 and can be mailed to the office or brought with players to tryouts. Applicants must attend at least one of these dates. The final decision on players will be made within two weeks of tryouts. All players must be 16-19 years of age as of April 30, 2007. League registration fees include a full uniform. Any adults interested in coaching or helping out with this team can call either Recreation Department for a coaching application.

Anyone age 13-17 can register to play in the Westside Pony Baseball league this summer. No tryouts are required for this league. Age as of May 1, 2007 will determine division placement. Divisons are 13-14 years and 15-17 years. Players can register with Hamlin Recreation or with Kendall Recreation. Games will involve playing teams in western Monroe, Genesee and Orleans counties. Registration deadlines are in March 2007.

For information, call 964-7222 or 659-9184.

January 28, 2007