"The Quilting Project" benefits Women Helping Girls

A silent auction of quilts to benefit Women Helping Girls, a program of the Greater Rochester Area Branch of the American Association of University Women that supports girls in the Rochester City School District, is set for Sunday, February 25 at Monroe Community College's Conference Center, 1000 East Henrietta Road, Rochester from 1 to 4 p.m.

This event offers a unique opportunity to enjoy the artistry of quilting. It features over 25 quilts donated by local quilters and quilters from surrounding areas, including an early quilt from locally and nationally acclaimed quilter Carol Taylor. From February 19 through February 24 (the week before the event), visitors can see the quilts at Monroe Community College's Forum on the Henrietta campus. Then, on February 25, enjoy coffee, tea, and luscious desserts as you stroll around the elegant Conference Center on MCC's Henrietta campus, viewing the cavalcade of colors and silently bidding on your favorite quilt. Rochester comedian Phyl Contestable, the "Reverend Mother," will be the host. The event will also feature participants from the Women Helping Girls program.

Proceeds from this event will go to Women Helping Girls, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization that offers female students in the Rochester City School District, grades 7 through 12, a series of activities and enriching experiences designed to broaden horizons, develop life skills, and reinforce the importance of education.

Tickets are on sale now. For information or to purchase a ticket, contact Lori Marra at marra@rochester.rr.com or (585) 461-0203. Admission is $20 which includes admission to the event, desserts provided by local businesses and coffee and tea. For information about Women Helping Girls visit www.womenhelpinggirls.org.

February 4, 2007