Kenneth Smith

New Health/Safety Coordinator
appointed for Brockport schools

Kenneth Smith is the health/safety coordinator at Brockport Schools. He began his new role February 14.

Smith is responsible for managing district-wide health/safety needs, including implementing general safety policies and procedures and coordinating compliance with all health and safety inspections. He comes to BCSD from a career in the United States Coast Guard with 21 years of active duty service. While serving in the Coast Guard he maintained Incident Command Systems and National Incident Management Systems. He also successfully completed Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools. Smith is currently a captain with the Brockport Fire Department.

Smith resides in Brockport with this son, Branden. "I have gained valuable life experience while serving this nation," Smith said. "I am happy to be back in my hometown of Brockport serving the school district I graduated from and where my son attends."

March 11, 2007