Local consumer helpline closed, Cornell Cooperative Extension referring callers to other resources

People with questions about nutrition and food safety can call Cornell Cooperation Extension at 585-461-1000 for a referral to the best local or national resources, Extension officials said in announcing closure of its in-house information service effective March 30. Cooperative Extension's Consumer Helpline typically answers more than 1,000 calls from consumers each year. Previously, a Registered Dietitian or Home Economist provided callers with information on topics such as: food safety practices to minimize the risk of food-borne illness; how to keep perishable food safe after power failures; specific food-borne illnesses such as E Coli or Salmonella and nutrition and wellness information.

Because of decreased county funding, Cooperative Extension has eliminated the registered dietitian position and is transitioning the consumer helpline to become a referral service. Beginning April 2, a customer service specialist will take consumer questions and recommend other local or national resources to call or visit online for help.

Margaret O'Neill, executive director of Cornell Cooperative Extension, said that food safety questions have been on the rise with recent outbreaks of food-borne illnesses, and the Extension intends to continue helping consumers get answers. The organization has identified both local and national resources to which callers will be referred. Along with calling 585-461-1000, consumers can find nutrition and food safety information at Extension's website: www.cce.cornell.edu/monroe.

April 1, 2007