Lorah Moore shows her llama at the 2006 Orleans County 4-H Fair.

Orleans County
4-H'ers rank
in top ten

Nicole Bennett placed fifth and Lorah Moore placed sixth in the nation in the Intermediate Youth Llama Judging Program tracked by ALSA, the Alpaca and Llama Show Association.

The purpose of the Youth Judging Program is to increase the awareness of the youth members as to the correct conformation of llamas and alpacas, correct showmanship techniques, and correct performance in an Obstacle Class. The knowledge gained from this program benefits youth as exhibitors and breeders. During the Judging Class, youth judge one or two halter classes, one showmanship class and one obstacle class. The Intermediate and Senior youth give oral reasons for one Halter Class and the Juniors take a written test. Orleans County hosts an ALSA Show, sponsored by the Back to Basics 4-H Club. This year's show will be on May 5.

For information on the Orleans County 4-H Llama Program, contact Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension at 798-4265.

April 8, 2007