Spencerport Board of Education
approves cuts to reduce spending

The Spencerport School Board of Education on March 27, approved a budget for the 2007-08 school year. Superintendent Mary Anne Kermis says this plan reflects the difficult choices faced by everyone today. "We tried not to touch the classroom with the reductions in spending. We believe it is important for us to maintain class sizes and the ratio of teachers and staff to our students," she said.

The board unanimously adopted a $63.6 million spending plan by a vote of 6-0 (Board member David Dorofy was absent). The projected district-wide average property tax levy increase is 3.1 percent. The Town of Ogden reduced its equalization rate to 96 percent resulting in an increased school tax rate in that town. The school tax rate decreases in the three other towns in the district, which remain at 100 percent equalized value.

What's new
The cost reductions are 10 times the amount of additions, which include a part-time high school reading instructor. Successful elementary school English Language Arts clinics will see modest expansion. Efforts to assist readers will expand from first grade to K through 2. A revised equipment lease allows for replacement of computers at all four elementary schools this year, instead of only two buildings, at approximately the same budgeted cost. The district will spend nearly $16,000 to buy calculators for math and science students. The state requires districts to provide calculators but did not provide funding.

The budget plan responds to student interest in several new courses at the high school to begin next fall. An American Sign Language course will return to the schedule. The projected overall budget-to-budget increase is 4.99 percent.

A public hearing on the budget and a board candidates' forum will be Tuesday, May 8 at 7 p.m. at the District Office at 71 Lyell Avenue in Spencerport.

Residents vote on the school budget, capital project and Board of Education candidates on Tuesday, May 15, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the District Office, 71 Lyell Avenue in Spencerport.

Tax rates, figures
The 2007-08 budget total is $63.6 million, a change from the 2006-07 budget of 4.99 percent.
The estimated tax rate change in the Towns of Parma, Gates and Greece is a 14 cent decrease from the 2006-07 rate of $24.58 per $1,000 of assessed value to $24.44. In the Town of Ogden the rate goes from $24.58 to 25.45, , an 88 cent increase. For this year, all towns except Ogden maintained an equalization rate at 100 percent. The Town of Ogden reduced its 2007-08 rate to 96 percent, which effectively shifts a slightly increased share of the school tax levy to Ogden property owners this year.

April 8, 2007