Brockport Rotary's Ziti Dinner a success

There were plenty of smiles at the Brockport Rotary's Ziti Dinner. Grandparents, married couples, the young and the old all enjoyed Sandy Parlato's band, Happy the Clown, a three foot white chocolate rabbit from Seawards Candies and numerous other prizes. It was made possible by a whole host of donors such as Ryan's Big M and Li Destri Foods and other supporters. Volunteers from SUNY's Phi Alpha Omega and Boy Scout Troop 111 helped Brockport Rotarians feed the crowd. It was an opportunity for many to catch up with friends and remember Seal the Clown (the late Floyd Seeley) who had attended the event annually for many years. Rotarians said Seal sent Happy as his replacement. Shown above with Happy are Nicolas and Victoria Romeri and their dad. Provided photo.

April 22, 2007