Brockport Lions cruise-in to summer

The Brockport Lions Club is planning for its Cruise-In again this summer. The events will be held July 14 and September 8 from 2 to 8 p.m. at the Sweden/Clarkson Recreation field (on the hill), Route 19. This is the second year for the new location and the Lions ninth year for hosting Cruise-Ins. The Brockport Lions Club's Cruise-In continues to grow and moving to the new location provides more parking, room for vendors, food and children's attractions. This year, there will be a bounce house for kids, different types of vendors and crafters, lots of cars and a great view of the lake from the hill.

Growing the event will increase the donations to the club allowing it to contribute more to local eye and diabetes needs. The club is planning to begin vision screening of pre-school age children and hopes to make this part of the Brockport Lions service to the community.

May 27, 2007