Legion Auxiliary prepares
for flag disposal and officers' banquet

The annual disposal of all unserviceable and torn United States flags ceremony by the Monroe County American Legion Auxiliary, Department of New York, will be held on Sunday, June 10, at 933 University Avenue at 2 p.m. Guests invited will be County Commander Rene VanMullen and County President Margaret Alaimo, as well as other dignitaries from the county and district. Color Guards that will be posting colors are the Chili Lady Liberties Color Guard #1830 and the Red Knights, also of Chili 1830, Legion. The Red Knights of Chili will conduct the ceremony of burning of the torn flags.

The Monroe County American Legion Auxiliary, Department of New York annual banquet honoring President Margaret Alaimo, Greece, and her staff of officers from various units in the county, will be held on Saturday, June 16. The buffet dinner will be at Valicia's Restorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester 14606, cash bar at 5 p.m., dinner at 6 p.m., $15.

Reservation needed by June 6. Make checks payable to: Treasurer, Monroe County ALA and send to Arlene Martin, 690 Westside Drive, Rochester 14624 or to Dinner Chairman Alberta Carlson, 294 Colwick Road, Rochester 14624.

May 27, 2007