Spencerport teacher named one of nation's top educators

Mathematics teacher Heather Shaw, from Canal View Elementary School in Spencerport, received the 2006 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, the nation's highest honor for teaching in these fields. Shaw is the only mathematics winner from New York, and one of 93 teachers nationwide to receive the prestigious award.

In a citation given to Shaw, President Bush commended her "for embodying excellence in teaching, for devotion to the learning needs of the students, and for upholding the high standards that exemplify American education at its finest." As an Awardee, Shaw receives a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the federal agency that administers the awards program on behalf of The White House, and an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, DC, for a week of events and professional development activities.

As a mathematics teacher, Shaw is faced with the challenge of finding ways to engage students with innovative curriculum and making an intimidating subject like mathematics accessible to her students. "I emphasize the importance of the strategies we use to solve problems and teach my students we do not always have the 'right' answer. This makes them feel more comfortable trying."

May 27, 2007