Hilton-Parma Recreation closer to accreditation

Officials at Hilton-Parma Recreation are hoping to become one of only three recreation departments in New York state to attain national accreditation through the Commission of Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies. A two-person team from the Agency spent time at the Rec Center reviewing the 156 minimum standards that must be met to achieve accreditation. "Before the team left they gave us a preliminary report that was very favorable for our receiving the accreditation," Recreation Director Steve Fowler said. "The final report will be given to us within 30 days."

The Hilton-Parma Recreation department easily met 147 of the 156 standards. "Of the nine not met, only one was considered a stumbling block and that was that we didn't have a traffic plan in place - that is something we need to get from the Monroe County Sheriff's office and we are working with them to receive that," Fowler said. "We do have the presence of law enforcement in the community but don't have a plan in writing."

Some of the pluses found during the accreditation process, Fowler said, was the recreation center's working relationship with the school and village and its overall commitment to the community at large. "We were cited favorably for offering a wide range of programs at an affordable price and with having excellent collaboration between key entities," he said. "They also said the community had a beautifully maintained park and recreation area (the town park)."

Achieving accreditation will boost the recreation center's ability to pursue state and federal grants for programs.

If the accreditation is approved, a contingent of town or village officials will head to Indianapolis in September to make a presentation to the Agency's board. "I honestly have no doubt, based on the exit interview, that we will achieve the recognition," Fowler said.

June 10, 2007