Limited pre-kindergarten program to begin in Hilton

A pre-kindergarten program for four-year-olds residing in the Hilton Central School District was approved by the Board of Education at its regular meeting June 11. Set to begin in September 2007, the "Universal Pre-Kindergarten" (UPK) program is based on the state's allocation of limited funding this year, according to Director of Elementary Education and Staff Development Mark Bower.

"We will be able to accept 36 students," Bower said. "Students will be selected by lottery in the event we receive more applications than there are slots." All district preschool children are eligible to attend. Families will be responsible for transportation to and from the program site.

All Hilton Central School District families/guardians will be mailed a letter and an application. The deadline for applications is July 13. All children who turn four-years-old on or before December 1, 2007 are eligible to apply.

Families with preschool children should be in the District's Census database. Contact the district at 392-1000 ext. 7031 for information.

The five-day a week, half-day session pre-kindergarten classes will be at the Village Elementary School, 100 School Lane. There will be one certified teacher and one teaching assistant. The program will meet all NYS Preschool Standards and UPK regulations and allows for easy transition with Hilton's existing kindergarten program. District-based preschool providers are being invited to submit collaboration proposals. "We are not sure whether HCSD preschool providers will be submitting proposals, but all providers have been contacted to attend informational meetings. Those providers are required to meet all state regulations for curriculum, certification and safety. If they meet approval, they will be able to establish a partnership with the District and accept placements according to the criteria that the district establishes," Bower said.

© June 24, 2007 - Westside News Inc.