Cool Kids rolls into ninth summer

Cool is where we all want to be in the summer heat and if you need any proof of that - check out the crowd of families that make the one-of-a-kind, award-winning Cool Kids series their haven each week in downtown Brockport. "This year - it's big," said Director Steve Appleton. "Big" because several of the events are big productions, including the return of several nationally-toured icons, Rochester Children's Theater and Catskill Puppet Theater and some newer groups, including PUSH Physical Theatre and KIDS Project, a "cool puppet show that includes puppets that are blind, in wheelchairs, have cerebral palsy and special needs," he said.

Cool Kids is at 7 p.m. on Fridays, in Sagawa Park, Main Street, Brockport, in front of the Brockport Diner. Rain location: First Baptist Church, 124 Main Street, Brockport, next to Sagawa Park.

Cool Kids is free, open to all ages, handicap accessible, with no advance sign-up required. Bring blankets and chairs, picnics and friends. For information about Cool Kids, call the Cool Hotline at 585-637-3984. For schedules and information www.generationcoolbiz. The Water Wizards workshop and show is scheduled for July 6.

Cool Kids is a program of B.I.S.C.O. - Brockport Integrated Service Community Organization. Cool Kids is also partially funded by a grant from Arts & Cultural Council for Greater Rochester, the NYS Council on the Arts, and the NYS Legislature.

© July 1, 2007 - Westside News Inc.