Nancy Duff

Sweden Senior Center is first in county to receive accreditation

The Sweden Senior Center, located at 133 State Street in Brockport, has become the only accredited senior center in Monroe County. It is among only 10 such centers in New York state and 130 nationally to receive accreditation. The accreditation is bestowed by the National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC), a constituent unit of the National Council on the Aging.

Center Director Nancy Duff received a letter in late February stating the NISC Accreditation Board unanimously approved the accreditation. "Your organization demonstrates outstanding leadership and commitment to quality programs and services," the letter stated. Among several strengths cited in the letter were the center's "welcoming ambiance, diversity in programming which includes a strong education center's component, attention to detail, and being inclusively alive."

"This is a great accomplishment with the collaboration of staff, seniors, volunteers, and the community," Duff said. "We are a very important community-based facility for older adults and their families, and we feel that excellence is our obligation."

The accreditation was awarded as a result of an extensive evaluation of all aspects of the center, including programs, facilities, staff, volunteers, meal services, outreach to seniors, and community relations. The three-year evaluation included visits by NISC officials and a diverse panel of 25 community leaders as consultants.

Duff has been the director for 21 of the center's 27 years of operation. Last year, Monroe County classified all positions like hers as Civil Service. Late in her career she had to study and pass the Civil Service exam or lose her job.

She passed the exams, which also qualified her as a Nutrition Site Manager. She thereby met another standard for management and food service at the center, besides the accreditation requirements.

"The census shows communities need to prepare for the older wave that is coming," Duff said. "Our center is ready to receive them. Being accredited puts us in an elite group, making us even more worthy of the trust and investment which the community places in us."

Duff lives in Brockport with her husband, Robert. They have three grown daughters, Kelly, Jamie and Allison.

© July 1, 2007 - Westside News Inc.