Rural and Migrant Ministry receives donation

The Rural and Migrant Ministry (RMM) of Brockport is the recipient of a donation awarded by the First Presbyterian Church of Brockport. Part of the donation contributes to internships such as the program recently completed by Leah Russell. She spent the summer in Western New York identifying some of the challenges to community development in rural areas. Her participation is part of a national initiative to unite students and farmworkers in a collaborative effort to advocate the improvement of living and working conditions for farmworkers. Leah arrived in Brockport after a one-week intensive orientation to farm worker issues including workers' rights, human trafficking, living and working conditions, health concerns, and anti-oppression training. Shown (l to r) Rev. Richard Witt, Executive Director of RMM, Peggy Hale, First Presbyterian parishioner, Luis Torres, RMM, Leah Russell, Intern for RMM and Rev. Aron Doll, pastor of First Presbyterian Church. Provided photo.

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