Hamlin studies creation of ‘safe zones’

Taking a proactive stance to the safety and well-being of the children in the town of Hamlin is the idea behind establishing “safe zones” for them.

In recent months the town has become home to a level three sex offender. While the town has no recourse but to allow him to live within the town limits, officials are taking steps to put laws into place that establish clear boundaries within which those individuals may not cross.

“Our town attorney has reviewed the laws in place in other municipalities and we are looking to establish ‘safe areas’ - those would be places where children typically congregate - playgrounds, parks, the fireman’s field,” Town Supervisor Dennis Roach said.

Safe zones will be discussed as part of the regular town board meeting on October 9. Roach said public hearings will be held if the town decides to put local laws into effect.

The board meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Hamlin Town Hall.

© October 7, 2007 - Westside News Inc.