Hilton HS psychology classes to study toddlers and parents

The Hilton High School Child Psychology and Development classes of teachers Helaine Donn and Linda Cribbs are inviting parents who have infants and toddlers to visit their classes. "The high school students will observe the children and ask questions of the parents about their child's development," said Donn. "This activity provides a great learning experience for them. Parents have a great time also."

The classes also run a preschool for two weeks in December and two weeks in May. "Children, ages three to five, are invited to come and play with us for two hours a day," she said. "The Child Psychology students plan developmentally appropriate activities and share them with the preschoolers. Everyone has a great time."

Interested parents from Hilton and surrounding districts may participate in any of these activities at Hilton High School, 400 East Avenue, Hilton.

Contact Helaine Donn or Linda Cribbs at 392-1000 ext. 2379 for information.

© October 21, 2007 - Westside News Inc.