Hilton High School a GRAMMY Signature School finalist

Hilton High School Music Program Coordinator Nancy Russo was notified by the GRAMMY Foundation of Santa Monica, California, the same group that recognizes excellence in the recording industry, that Hilton High School is one of 225 finalists in a pool of 5,000 applicants for the GRAMMY Signature Schools Award. Hilton High School was also a finalist in 2004. "The preliminary application process was completed in September. We produced a performance CD which allows us to be eligible for a monetary award and further recognition," Russo said.

Criteria for the award are: excellent performance ensembles; high quality instruction in multiple musical genres offered in the school district; high quality instruction available to all students in non-performance music courses such as music history; a variety of avenues provide music education to a larger segment of the student population than those in performance courses. Twenty high schools in New York are in the finalist selections. Finalist schools enter increasing levels of evaluation. Finalists in the Grammy Signature School competition are eligible to receive up to $25,000 in prize money.

Hilton High School music includes concert and symphonic bands, choruses and chorales, the DaCapo Singers, jazz ensemble, Crimson Cadet Marching Band, wind ensemble as well as a variety of course and performance groups taught by Russo, Nicholas Williams, Jared Streiff and Adam Klock.

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