New scholarships established
Ogden CASE Commission accepts library report

Ogden Supervisor Gay Lenhard accepted the completed report on the Ogden Farmers' Library from the CASE Commission at their last meeting. This was a department that requested a review and received positive comments from members of the commission. The staff was congratulated for their dedication, remarkable interest and commitment to the Town of Ogden. They were praised for their ingenuity and creativity in providing up-to-date services within the confines of a moderate budget, according to Lenhard.

The town supervisor said some of the recommendations include using more volunteers, joint purchasing where possible, bidding insurance, and the continuance of searching for grants. As the library has increased its services and its users, it was also suggested that the Library Board conduct a 10-15 year master plan concerning technology and equipment needs, as well as building space.

"I am very pleased with the progress of the library and the innovative approaches that our Librarian Patty Uttaro and her staff utilize to service the residents of our community," said Supervisor Lenhard. "The CASE Commission was very impressed with what our library has to offer."

The Commission to Analyze Savings & Efficiency (CASE), comprised of local business people, was formed by Supervisor Gay Lenhard to review all town departments. Thus far, the Finance Department, Ogden Highway Department and Ogden Police Department have been reviewed and have adopted some of the cost-saving recommendations.